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Daily Workout

Physical preparedness is a core principle of Innis, so we incorporate daily exercise centering around functional fitness into our lives.

So, in this archive, you will find the daily programming that helps us pursue this goal. Feel free to steal them and use them for yourself.

If you find the routines difficult or cannot perform them for some reason, you should scale the reps, weights, and exercises to fit your circumstances.

Remember,  the authors and their compadres are performing the workouts, so you’re not alone in the grind.



5 rounds of

  • 2rd x 5 Air Squats, 3rds x 10 cal Row
  • 5 Push-ups
  • 5,5,5,3,1 (2 x 5 x 45/35, 5 x 95/65, 1 x 3 x 135/95, 1 x 1 x 1 155/95)

4 rounds of

  • 500m Row
  • 12 Bench Press (155/95)


  • Stretching
    • Calves
    • Hamstring
    • Squat Holds
    • etc
  • 2 rds
    • 5 Air Squats
    • 5 push-ups
    • 50m Jog

For Time

    • 800m Run
    • 100 push-ups
    • 2000m C2 Bike
    • 150 Air Squats
    • 800m Run

    3 rds

    • 2 inch worms
    • 5 Air Squats
    • 5 Scap Pulls
    • 5, 5, 3 deadlifts (135, 135, 185)
    • 5 Wall Balls

    For Time (30 minute cap)

    • 10 “Rope Climb” combos
      • 1 Pull up
      • 1 toes-to-bar
      • 1 air squat
    • 25 Deadlifts. (185/130)
    • 50 Wall Balls (20/14)
    • 3 down-and-backs (half-court) farmers carry (53/35)
    • 50 Wall Balls
    • 25 Deadlifts
    • 10 “Rope Climb Compos”
      • 1 pull-up
      • 1 toes-to-bar
      • 1 air squat


    • 2 rds of Stretching
      • 30 second Calfs each leg
      • 1 minute of Hamstrings stretches
      • 30 Seconds Hip Flexor Stretch each side
      • 1 minute butterfly
    • 1 rd of
      • 10 x Push press (45/35)
      • 1-minute light jog
    • 1 rd of
      • 5 push (115/80)
      • 1 minute light jog

    Every 2 minutes for 10 Rds

    • Odd Rds
      • 10 Push Press (115/80)
      • Max Cal Air Runner
    • Even Rds
      • C2 Bike at Recovery Pace


    • 3 minutes of Light Rowing (50% -60% of workout pace 400 – 700 cal/hr)
    • Stretching
      • Butterfly Stretch
      • 10 reps of Cat-Cow back stretch
      • 10 reps each side Bird-Dog
    • 30 Seconds Hip Flexor Stretch each side
    • Alt Tabata
      • Rowing
      • Sit-up

    50, 40, 30, 20, 10 for time

    • Sit-ups
    • Rowing Calories
    • 1 x Down and Back Bear Crawl between rounds.


    • 2 rounds
      • 5-10 Trainer bar pass-throughs
      • 1 – Deep Lunge – Warrior Stretch- 30-second hold each leg
      • 5 Scapular pulls
      • 10 Air squats
      • 1 -30-second – 1 min Squat Hold
    • 2 rounds
      • Empty Barbell routine
        • 5 deadlifts
        • 5 power cleans
        • 5 front squats
        • 5 push press
        • 5 squat cleans
      • 5 push-ups
      • 3 pull-ups

    For Time

    • at 0 min
      • 12 Squat Cleans. (95/65)
      • 50 push-ups
      • 12 Squat Cleans
    • at 10 min
      • 6 Squat Cleans (135/95)
      • 25 pull-ups
      • 6 Squat Cleans

    Active Recovery Day

    Warm-up 10-minutes

    • C2 or Assault Bike (easy pace)

    3 rounds of

    • 10 Air Squats
    • 15 Band Pull Aparts
    • 10 Bird Dogs (5 each side)
    • 15 Banded Face Pulls
    • 10 Glute Bridges
    • 15 Sit-ups
    • 10 Ring Rows

    3 Round Warm-up

    • 3 inchworms
    • 4 burpees
    • 7,5,3 snatches. (45/35, 75/55, 95/65)
    • 8-10 cal row

    5 x 2-minute rounds

    • 10 power snatches (95/65)
    • 10 lateral burpees over the bar
    • Max Cal Row for the remaining time
    • rest 2 minutes

    3 Round Warm-up

    • 10 Air Squats
    • 5 inchworms
    • 10 Walking Lunges
    • 5 push-ups

    25 min ALT EMOM

    • 10 DB/KB Thrusters (pick a weight)
    • 10 DB/KB Renegade Rows
    • 12 DB/KB Box Step Ups
    • 15 KB Swings
    • Rest

    Whiteboard Workout

    We’ll create the workout on the whiteboard today.