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Daily Workout

Physical preparedness is a core principle of Innis, so we incorporate daily exercise centering around functional fitness into our lives.

So, in this archive, you will find the daily programming that helps us pursue this goal. Feel free to steal them and use them for yourself.

If you find the routines difficult or cannot perform them for some reason, you should scale the reps, weights, and exercises to fit your circumstances.

Remember,  the authors and their compadres are performing the workouts, so you’re not alone in the grind.


Part 1: 15 Min Press

  • Work up to max 3 rep Press in 15 minutes

Part 2 – 3 Round Warm-up

  • 5 hang power snatches. (45/35, 75/55, 95/65)
    5 hang muscle snatches
    5 hang power snatches

Part 2 – 10 Minute AMRAP

  • 5 hang power snatches. (115/85)
  • 15-calorie row, bike, or ski erg, or 200-meter run

Workout provided by CrossFit®



  • 5 rds
    • 2 inch-worms
    • 10 air squats
    • 5 Swings. (increasing weight)
    • 15-30-second dead hang

50, 40, 30, 20, 10

  • Russian KB Swings (pick your weight)
  • Sit-ups
  • 1 down and back – Waiter Carry Right Down and Left arm back



For Time

    • 400m Run
    • 40 DB Push Press (pick the weight)
    • 400m Run
    • 40 Pull-Ups
    • 400m Run
    • 40 Knees-to-Elbows / Knees-to-waist
    • 400m Run
    • 40 Box Jumps / Step-ups



    6 Rds

    • 2 inch-worms
    • 2rds – 10 air-ssquat, 2rds – 5 wall balls, 2rds – 5 thrusts (45/35)
    • 10 cal row

    For Time

    • 5 Rounds
      • 15 wall balls (20/14)
      • 15 cal row
    • 5 minutes of rest
      • 50 thrusters (45/35)
      • 50 call row


    3 Rds

    • 3 inchworms
    • 8 air-squats
    • 50m jog

    Do as a group until 1 lap (800m) is complete

    • 5 tire flips
    • 800m run or 1-mile bike

    Active Recovery — Cardio Crossover

    Pick 2 Cardio Exercises

    • Exercise 1 (5min, 4min, 3min, 2min, 1min)
    • Exercise 2 (1min, 2min, 3min, 4min, 5min)
    • 15 Sit-ups and 10 push-ups during Crossovers.



    5 rounds of

    • 3 Inch Worms
    • 10 air squats
    • cleans (2rd x 5 @ 45/35, 2rds x 5 @ 95/55 1rd x 2 @ 115/75
    • 8 cal row

    For Time

    • 20 Cleans (115/75)
    • 500 meter Row
    • 15 Cleans (135/95 )
    • 500 meter row
    • 10 cleans (165/ 115)
    • 500 meter row
    • 5 cleans (185/ 130 )
    • 500m row



    5 rounds of

    • 2 Inch Worms
    • 5 Kickstand Squats (Right Leg)
    • 5 Kickstand Squats (Left Leg)
    • 3rds of 3 Scape pulls and 2rds of 3 pull-ups
    • 5, 5, 3, 2, 1 – Snatch (45/35, 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95)

    10-8-6-4-2 reps for time

    • Snatch (135/95)
    • Pull-Ups
    • 2 Down and Back Half/Court Shuttle Runs



    6 rounds of

    • 2 Inch Worms
    • 3 x 10 air squats / 2 x 10 Wall Balls
    • 5, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1 (2 x 135/95, 185/125, 225/155, 2 x 275/185) Deadlifts

    5 rounds of

    • 15 Wall Balls. (20/15)
    • 5 Deadlifts (275/185)

    Alt EMOM cool down until 100 Sit-ups are Reached

    • C2 Bike
    • Sit-ups



    5 rounds of

    • 3 inch worms
    • 5 air squats
    • 5 hang cleans (bar)
    • 5 squat cleans (bar)

    Every 90 Seconds for 15 min

    • clean complex (increase weight as you go)
      • segmented clean pull
        • floor to shin
        • floor to knee
        • floor to hip
        • floor to pull
      • 1 halting power clean (pause below the knee)
      • 1 low hang squat clean

    at the 15 min mark

    • 30 Front Squats in as few sets as possible at the last complex weight


    If Time allows

    Then 5 rounds

    • Back Squat (10,8,6,4,2) 225/155
    • Wall Walks (5,4,3,2,1)