Every Minute on the Minute.


30 min EMOM (12/10 cals)

  • Ski Erg
  • Assault Bike
  • Rest
  • Rower
  • C2 Bike

Complete the Calorie and rest for the remainder of the minute.


30 min EMOM (11/9 cals)

  • Ski Erg
  • Assault Bike
  • Rest
  • Rower
  • C2 Bike

Complete the Calorie and rest for the remainder of the minute.

15-minute Set-up/Warm-Up

  • Warm-up clean and jerk
  • Warm-up Sprint

Life’s a sprint, not a marathon!

6 rounds Every 4 minutes

  • 200m Sprint
  • 1 x heavy clean and jerk (80% 1 rep max)

Modified CrossFit WOD for the day

5 min Set-up/warm-up

15 minute Strength

  • Establish a heavy Clean and Jerk

5-minute change over

Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes

  • 50m Run
  • 2 Hang Power Cleans (115/80)
  • 3 Push Jerks
  • 4 Toes-to-Bar
  • 5 Push-ups

5 min Warm-up/Set-up

40 min EMOM

Death By

Wall Balls

  • Start at 8 reps


  • Start at 3 reps (135lb/95lb)

Heavy Med-Ball Over Shoulder

  • Start at 3 reps (100lb/80lb)


  • Start at 5 reps


  • Start at 10/8 Cals


  1. Start on the movement of your choice.
  2. Perform the starting reps and use the balance of the minute for rest.
  3. Each round increases the number of reps by 1
  4. Once you fail to accumulate the number of reps in a minute, take a 1-minute break.
  5. Then, pick a different movement and start over.

More than likely, you will only perform 3 or 4 movements, so pick the movements you find the most challenging. The objective is to improve muscle endurance for the big chipper.


Cardio Round-Up to 400 Reps Each

Work for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest for transition

  • Assault Bike Cals
  • Ski Erg Cals
  • C2 Rower Cals
  • Sit-ups

Eliminate the element when 400 reps is reached. The station becomes rest.

The goal is 26 rounds (26 minutes) or under

Adjust elements as needed: 1 element/athlete.

Power Production – Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes

  • 2 x clean and Jerk (increasing weight – try to top end weight for 2 to 3 rounds. )
  • 3 x Box Jumps, Broad Jumps, Max Vertical, or Balstic Ball Throws/Slams

If you are uncomfortable using a barbell, use a kettlebell or dumbbell and perform 2 x single-arm clean and jerks with each arm. Choose a challenging weight. It should be heavy enough that it requires you to generate extension through the ankles, knees, and hips (i.e. jump) to receive.

Use the extra time for recovery between rounds – The attempts should be explosive, so you want to maximize muscle recovery (ATP).

5-minute Change Over

18 Minute AMRAP

  • 10 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
  • 10 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 10 Knees-to-Elbows

Substitute knees-to-waist or v-ups for knees-to-elbows.

Partner – Alt E90S Until You Reach 5000m on Rower

  • Partner 1
    • Max Row
  • Partner 2
    • 9 Deadlift (115/75)
    • 6 Hang Cleans
    • 3 Push Press
    • rest
  • Switch at the end of 90 seconds.

Optional Strength: Squats

The Ghost
6 rounds of:

1 minute of rowing
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of double-unders, jump rope, or plate jumps
1 minute of rest

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