push ups



  • Stretching
    • Calves
    • Hamstring
    • Squat Holds
    • etc
  • 2 rds
    • 5 Air Squats
    • 5 push-ups
    • 50m Jog

For Time

    • 800m Run
    • 100 push-ups
    • 2000m C2 Bike
    • 150 Air Squats
    • 800m Run


    • 2 rounds
      • 5-10 Trainer bar pass-throughs
      • 1 – Deep Lunge – Warrior Stretch- 30-second hold each leg
      • 5 Scapular pulls
      • 10 Air squats
      • 1 -30-second – 1 min Squat Hold
    • 2 rounds
      • Empty Barbell routine
        • 5 deadlifts
        • 5 power cleans
        • 5 front squats
        • 5 push press
        • 5 squat cleans
      • 5 push-ups
      • 3 pull-ups

    For Time

    • at 0 min
      • 12 Squat Cleans. (95/65)
      • 50 push-ups
      • 12 Squat Cleans
    • at 10 min
      • 6 Squat Cleans (135/95)
      • 25 pull-ups
      • 6 Squat Cleans

    3 Round Warm-up

    • 10 Air Squats
    • 5 inchworms
    • 10 Walking Lunges
    • 5 push-ups

    25 min ALT EMOM

    • 10 DB/KB Thrusters (pick a weight)
    • 10 DB/KB Renegade Rows
    • 12 DB/KB Box Step Ups
    • 15 KB Swings
    • Rest

    2 rounds for time

    • 800m Run
    • 5 rounds of Cindy
      • 5 pull-ups
      • 10 push-ups
      • 15 air squats

    10-minute Warm-up

    4 Rounds (3-minute AMRAP: 1-minute Rest)

    • 200m Run
    • 15 jump ropes, plates jumps, or jumping jacks
    • 10 Mountain Climbers (Each Leg)

    3 Rounds (5-minute AMRAP: 1-minute Rest)

    • 10 push-ups
    • 15 Sit-ups
    • 20 lunges (10 each leg)
    • 25 Air Squats

    Core Alt Tabata

    • Russian Twists
    • Leg Raises

    5 minute Warm-up

    5 rounds

    • 5 Deadlifts (increase weight each round)
    • 10 Hand Release Push-ups

    3 Rounds (partner)

    • 10 Cleans (135/95)
    • 20 Cal Row

    Rest for 5 minutes. Repeat.


    1000 AB Cals For Time Alt EMOM (team of 4)

    • minute 1: Max cal Assault Bike
    • minute 2: 15 Sit-ups
    • minute 3: 15 Push-ups
    • minute 4: Rest

    Repeat until 1000 cals are reached.

    An athlete starts at each station.

    5 min warm-up

    Cindy – 20 min AMRAP

    • 5 pull-ups or bent-over barbell rows
    • 10 push-ups
    • 15 Air Squats

    5 min Rest

    Deadlift Session

    • 2 x 5
    • 1 x 5
    • 1 x 3
    • 1 x 2
    • 1 x 5 Workset

    5-min Set-up / Stretch

    10 min AMRAP Warm-up

    • 100m Run
    • 5 burpees
    • 1 Wall Walk
    • 5 push-ups

    5 min recovery

    Partner – U Go I Go

    • 21 Clusters (95/65)
    • 21 Pull-Ups
    • 15 Cluster (115/80)
    • 15 Pull-Ups
    • 9 Clusters (135/95)

    Both partners have to complete the reps
    Max reps/set 3. — Focus on Form and Control

    10-Min EMOM

    • Odd Min: 10 Burpees
    • Even Min: 5 Burpees

    5-min Rest

    21 – 15 – 9 For time (10 min Cap)

    • Wall Ball (20/14)
    • Push-Ups
    • Pull-ups


    • 20 heavy Ball Over Shoulder (100/80)
    • 40 Toe-to-Bar

    Break up as you wish.