Bench Press


3 rd Warm-Up (In the racquetball room)

  • 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
  • 5 push-ups
  • 10 Air Squats

Strength: Bench Press (In Fitness Center)

  • 2 x 5 (45/35)
  • 1 x 5 (95/65)
  • 1 x 3 (135/85)
  • 1 x 2 (185/130)
  • 5 x 3 (work sets)

For Time 15 min cap (In the Gym)

  • 500m Row
    • 21 Ring Push-ups
    • 21 Lunges
  • 500m Row
    • 15 Ring Push-ups
    • 15 Lunges
  • 500m Row
    • 9 Ring Push-up
    • 9 Lunges

3 rd Warm-Up

  • 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
  • 10 air squats

Back Squats

  • 2 x 5 @ 45/35
  • 1 x 5 @ 95/65
  • 1 x 3 @ 135 / 85
  • 1 x 2 @ 185 / 115
  • 5 x 3 (work set)

12 Min AMRAP (Partner)

  • 1 Cal Row
  • 1 Power Clean (135/95)
  • 2 Lunges

Each Partner adds 1 rep to Cal row, 1 Power Clean, and 2 lunges.


3 rd Warm-Up

  • 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
  • 5 push-ups
  • 10 air squats


  • 2 x 5 @ 45/35
  • 1 x 5 @ 95/65
  • 1 x 3 @ 135 / 85
  • 1 x 2 @ 155 / 115
  • 3 x 5 or 5 x 3 (work set)

20 Min AMRAP (Partner – waterfall)

Team of 2

  • 500m C2 Bike
  • 2 x Med-Ball Over Shoulder (100/80)
  • 10 Push-ups

Team of 3 (switch station when bike is complete)

  • 500m C2 Bike
  • 3 x Med-Ball Over Shoulder
  • 15 Push-Ups


5 rounds of

  • 2rd x 5 Air Squats, 3rds x 10 cal Row
  • 5 Push-ups
  • 5,5,5,3,1 (2 x 5 x 45/35, 5 x 95/65, 1 x 3 x 135/95, 1 x 1 x 1 155/95)

4 rounds of

  • 500m Row
  • 12 Bench Press (155/95)

Warm-Up – 15 Minutes

3/4 Regional Linda

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

  • Deadlift. (225/165)
  • Bench Press (145/100)
  • Squat Clean (105 / 75)

Bench Press

  • 2 x 5 (95/65)
  • 1 x 5 (135/85)
  • 1 x 3 (155/115)
  • 1 x 2 (185/ 125)
  • 3 x 5 (200/ 145)

5 rounds for Time

  • 3 x cleans
  • 5 x Dips
  • 8 x Burpees Over Bar

Light Linda

  • Deadlifts. (225lbs / 155lbs)
  • Bench Press (155lb/105lb)
  • Squat Cleans (105lb / 85lb)

Barbell Bench Press

  • Warm-up Sets
  • 3 x 10 Work Sets

20 min

  • C2 or Assault Bike (recovery Rid)

5 Rounds

  • 10 x Pause Box Squats (125lb)
  • 10 x KB Bench Presses (2 x 35lb KBs)

40,30,20,10 For Time

  • Assault Bike
  • Box Step-ups (20in)
  • KB American Swings (40lb)

5 Rounds

  • 10 x GHD Sit-ups
  • 20 x Barbell Curls / Overhead Tricep Extensions (alt between rounds)