


For Time

    • 400m Run
    • 40 DB Push Press (pick the weight)
    • 400m Run
    • 40 Pull-Ups
    • 400m Run
    • 40 Knees-to-Elbows / Knees-to-waist
    • 400m Run
    • 40 Box Jumps / Step-ups



    6 Rds

    • 2 inch-worms
    • 2rds – 10 air-ssquat, 2rds – 5 wall balls, 2rds – 5 thrusts (45/35)
    • 10 cal row

    For Time

    • 5 Rounds
      • 15 wall balls (20/14)
      • 15 cal row
    • 5 minutes of rest
      • 50 thrusters (45/35)
      • 50 call row


    5 rounds of

    • 3 Inch Worms
    • 10 air squats
    • cleans (2rd x 5 @ 45/35, 2rds x 5 @ 95/55 1rd x 2 @ 115/75
    • 8 cal row

    For Time

    • 20 Cleans (115/75)
    • 500 meter Row
    • 15 Cleans (135/95 )
    • 500 meter row
    • 10 cleans (165/ 115)
    • 500 meter row
    • 5 cleans (185/ 130 )
    • 500m row



    5 rounds of

    • 2rd x 5 Air Squats, 3rds x 10 cal Row
    • 5 Push-ups
    • 5,5,5,3,1 (2 x 5 x 45/35, 5 x 95/65, 1 x 3 x 135/95, 1 x 1 x 1 155/95)

    4 rounds of

    • 500m Row
    • 12 Bench Press (155/95)


    • 3 minutes of Light Rowing (50% -60% of workout pace 400 – 700 cal/hr)
    • Stretching
      • Butterfly Stretch
      • 10 reps of Cat-Cow back stretch
      • 10 reps each side Bird-Dog
    • 30 Seconds Hip Flexor Stretch each side
    • Alt Tabata
      • Rowing
      • Sit-up

    50, 40, 30, 20, 10 for time

    • Sit-ups
    • Rowing Calories
    • 1 x Down and Back Bear Crawl between rounds.

    3 Round Warm-up

    • 3 inchworms
    • 4 burpees
    • 7,5,3 snatches. (45/35, 75/55, 95/65)
    • 8-10 cal row

    5 x 2-minute rounds

    • 10 power snatches (95/65)
    • 10 lateral burpees over the bar
    • Max Cal Row for the remaining time
    • rest 2 minutes

    Whiteboard Workout

    We’ll create the workout on the whiteboard today.


    4 rounds Warm-up

    • 10 Air Squats
    • 10 Push-Ups
    • 10 Ring Rows
    • 10 Sit-ups

    For Time

    • 1000m Row
      • 50 pull-ups
      • 150 Sit-ups
    • 1000m Row

    Partition the Pull-ups and Sit-ups as needed.


    10-minute Warm-up

    • 3 Rounds
      • 5 toe touch to overhead stretches
      • 5 Burpees
      • 10 cal row
      • 5 DB Snatch Each Arm (25/15)

    42 – 30 – 18 For Time

    • Cal Row
    • 1 arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)


    10-minute Warm-up

    20-minute AMRAP

    • 30 knees-to-waist
    • 800/1000m Row