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Daily Workout

Physical preparedness is a core principle of Innis, so we incorporate daily exercise centering around functional fitness into our lives.

So, in this archive, you will find the daily programming that helps us pursue this goal. Feel free to steal them and use them for yourself.

If you find the routines difficult or cannot perform them for some reason, you should scale the reps, weights, and exercises to fit your circumstances.

Remember,  the authors and their compadres are performing the workouts, so you’re not alone in the grind.


10 min Warm Up

As a Group

  • 100 Med-Ball Over Shoulder (100/80)

5 Rounds for Time

  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 1 Med-Ball Bear Hug Down and Overhead Back (80/50)
  • 10 Sit-Ups

Finisher (if time permits)

  • 3 x 5 Ballistic Crunches – (use hip thrust platform to throw med-ball)

10 min Warm Up

5 Min EMOM

  • 10 Burpees

8 Rounds (outside)

  • 200m Run
  • 20 Tractor Tire Step-Ups

10 min DL/C & J Warm Up

5 rounds (U go, I go) – Not for time.

  • 5 x concentric-only deadlifts (find a challenging weight)
  • 5 x High Box Jumps (high effort)
  • 10 Ring Rows / Pull-Ups

Focus on Quality

10 min AMRAP

  • 10 clean and jerks (95/65)
  • rest 1 min
  • 10 clean and jerks (115/80)
  • rest 1 min
  • 10 clean and jerks (135/95)
  • rest 1 min
  • max reps of (165/115)

Based on Quarterfinals Workout 4


10 min Warm Up

For Time

  • 50 Pull-Ups
  • 50 Snatches 95/65
  • 50 Cal Assault Bike

Segment as needed



10 min Warm Up

30 min AMRAP

  • 800m + 39 burpees
  • 800m + 35 burpees
  • 800m + 31 burpees
  • 800m + 27 burpees
  • 800m + 23 burpees
  • ….

Segment burpees as needed throughout the 800m run.

10 min Warm Up

3 Rounds for Time

  • 32 cal Row
  • 16 Lunges (53/35 kb)
  • 8 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/65)
  • 4 Med-Ball over Shoulder (100/80)

10 min Warm Up

4 Rounds for Time (outside)

  • 8 Squats Cleans (115/80)
  • 16 Tractor Tire Step-ups
  • 24 Single Under Jump Rope
  • 200m Run

5 min Warm-Up

21, 15, 9

  • Air Runner
  • Wall Balls (20/14)
  • Pull-ups

Rest for 5 minutes, then repeat.

Pick up Basketball