


5 rounds of

  • 3 Inch Worms
  • 10 air squats
  • cleans (2rd x 5 @ 45/35, 2rds x 5 @ 95/55 1rd x 2 @ 115/75
  • 8 cal row

For Time

  • 20 Cleans (115/75)
  • 500 meter Row
  • 15 Cleans (135/95 )
  • 500 meter row
  • 10 cleans (165/ 115)
  • 500 meter row
  • 5 cleans (185/ 130 )
  • 500m row



5 rounds of

  • 3 inch worms
  • 5 air squats
  • 5 hang cleans (bar)
  • 5 squat cleans (bar)

Every 90 Seconds for 15 min

  • clean complex (increase weight as you go)
    • segmented clean pull
      • floor to shin
      • floor to knee
      • floor to hip
      • floor to pull
    • 1 halting power clean (pause below the knee)
    • 1 low hang squat clean

at the 15 min mark

  • 30 Front Squats in as few sets as possible at the last complex weight


If Time allows

Then 5 rounds

  • Back Squat (10,8,6,4,2) 225/155
  • Wall Walks (5,4,3,2,1)

3 round Warm-up

  • 5 Push-ups
  • 10 air squats
  • 5 burpees

10 min ALT EMOM

  • 5 Burpees
  • 7 Strict Press ( 95/65)

5-min rest

15 Min AMRAP

  • 5 Thrusters (95/65)
  • 10 KB Swings (53/35
  • 15 Push-ups

3 round Warm-up

  • 5-inch warms
  • 10 air squats
  • 5 deadlifts (135/95)
  • 3 Box jumps

    15-minute AMRAP

    • 5 deadlifts (225/155)
    • 8 box jumps (24″)
    • 13 cal row

    5 min Transition

    10 min ALT EMOM

    • 7 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
    • 7 Front Squats

    5 minute Warm-up

    5 rounds

    • 5 Deadlifts (increase weight each round)
    • 10 Hand Release Push-ups

    3 Rounds (partner)

    • 10 Cleans (135/95)
    • 20 Cal Row

    Rest for 5 minutes. Repeat.


    10 min AMRAP

    • Burpees

    10min Recovery/Warm-up

    15 minutes AMRAP

    • 3 Wall Walks
    • 8 Cleans (115/80)
    • 12 Box Jump Overs (20″ box)

    15-minute Warm-Up

    For Time

    • 100 cal C2 Bike
    • 30 Cleans (135/95)
    • 70 cal Row
    • 30 Cleans (135/95)

    10 min Set-up

    15 min E1.5MOM – Olympic lifting Practice

    • Cleans
    • Snatch
    • Clean and Jerk

    For Time (20 min Cap)

    • 50/40 Cal Assault Bike or 800m run
    • 20 Squat Cleans (95/65)
    • 40 KB Swings (53/35)
    • 25/20 Cal Assault Bike or 400m run
    • 20 Squat Cleans
    • 40 KB Swings
    • 50/20 Cal Assault Bike or 800m Run

    5 min Warm-up/Set-up

    40 min EMOM

    Death By

    Wall Balls

    • Start at 8 reps


    • Start at 3 reps (135lb/95lb)

    Heavy Med-Ball Over Shoulder

    • Start at 3 reps (100lb/80lb)


    • Start at 5 reps


    • Start at 10/8 Cals


    1. Start on the movement of your choice.
    2. Perform the starting reps and use the balance of the minute for rest.
    3. Each round increases the number of reps by 1
    4. Once you fail to accumulate the number of reps in a minute, take a 1-minute break.
    5. Then, pick a different movement and start over.

    More than likely, you will only perform 3 or 4 movements, so pick the movements you find the most challenging. The objective is to improve muscle endurance for the big chipper.