

Part 1: 15 Min Press

  • Work up to max 3 rep Press in 15 minutes

Part 2 – 3 Round Warm-up

  • 5 hang power snatches. (45/35, 75/55, 95/65)
    5 hang muscle snatches
    5 hang power snatches

Part 2 – 10 Minute AMRAP

  • 5 hang power snatches. (115/85)
  • 15-calorie row, bike, or ski erg, or 200-meter run

Workout provided by CrossFit®

2 round Warm-up

  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 push-ups
  • 5 Barbell Thrusters

For Time (10 min cap)

  • 40 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 40 Air Squats
  • 40 Push-ups
  • 40 Wall Balls (20/14)

5 minute Rest

3 Rounds

  • 12 Goblet Squats (35/35)
  • 1 minute of Rest

Core Tabata

  • 2 x Plank hold
  • 2 x Russian Twist
  • 2 x Superman Holds
  • 2 x Sit-ups

3 round Warm-up

  • 5 inch warms
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 20 Jumping Jacks

5 rounds of

  • 20 cal Assault Bike
  • 10 Ring Rows
  • 20 Box Step-ups
  • 10 Seated KB/DB Shoulder Presses (35/25)
  • 20 Cal Ski Erg
  • 10 Wall Balls (20/14)

10 Min Warm Up

21, 15, 9 For Time

  • Deadlifts (225/155)
  • KB/DB Z-Press (40’s/25’s)

10 Rds

  • 2:00 min Ski Erg / C2 bike
  • 1:00 min to complete 5 behind-the-head snatch grip presses (you pick the weight)


6 rounds For Time (30min Cap)

  • 10 Press (you pick load)
  • 10 Pull-ups
  • 400 meter Run

5 rounds for time

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 8 KB Presses (53/35)
  • 13 Box Step Overs
  • 21 Wall Balls (20/14)

24-min AMRAP

  • Run 250m
  • 1 clean and 5 strict press (115/75)
  • 5 Toes-to-bar

10min AMRAP Bonus Core Work

  • 50 Sit-ups
  • 40 Twists
  • 30 Flodder kicks
  • 20 Wipers
  • 10 V-ups


For Time

  • 200 Cal AB
  • Every 2 min on the minute
    • 10 Push-ups
    • 10 STO (75lb / 65lb)