


  • 5 rds
    • 2 inch-worms
    • 10 air squats
    • 5 Swings. (increasing weight)
    • 15-30-second dead hang

50, 40, 30, 20, 10

  • Russian KB Swings (pick your weight)
  • Sit-ups
  • 1 down and back – Waiter Carry Right Down and Left arm back



6 rounds of

  • 2 Inch Worms
  • 3 x 10 air squats / 2 x 10 Wall Balls
  • 5, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1 (2 x 135/95, 185/125, 225/155, 2 x 275/185) Deadlifts

5 rounds of

  • 15 Wall Balls. (20/15)
  • 5 Deadlifts (275/185)

Alt EMOM cool down until 100 Sit-ups are Reached

  • C2 Bike
  • Sit-ups


2 round Warm-up

  • 1 minute Assault Bike (light to medium pace 45 – 60rpm)
  • 30 Jump Ropes
  • 2 rounds of
    • 10 Sit-ups
    • 5 Empty Bar Pulls Ups

15-minute AMRAP (provided by Linchpin)

  • 600m or .4 mile (Assault Bike)
  • 60 Jump Ropes
  • 30 Sit-ups
  • 20 Push Press (75/55)

AB Tabata

  • Plank
  • Bicycle Crunches
  • Russian Twists
  • Leg Raises

Perform each exercise for 2 rounds before moving to the next.


3 round Warm-up

  • 5 Pull-Ups
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 15 Air Squats

Light/Half Incredible Hulk (10-minute AMRAP)

  • 5 Deadlifts (95/65)
  • 5 Hang Power Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Push Press
  • 5 Back Squats

2-minute Rest

10-minute Zone 2 Row

  • Row at a very comfortable Pace

Core Tabata (4 rounds 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) Alternate

  • bicycle crunches
  • Plank

3 round Warm-up

  • 10 Air Squats
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 10 Sit-Ups

3 Round of Strength

  • 15 Kettlebell Swings. (Pick your weight)
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 9 Goblet Squats

3 Rounds Cardio Intervals

  • 3 minutes on Assault Bike (36/30 cal goal)
  • 1 Minute rest between

Core Tabata (4 rounds 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) Alternate

  • sit-ups
  • leg raises

5-Minute Warm-Up

3 Rounds ( 5-min AMRAP – 1 Minute Rest)

  • 3 Pull-ups
  • 5 KB/DB Squat (35s/25s)
  • 8 KB/DB Push Presses
  • 13 Wall Balls (20/14)

6 Rounds (clock set at 12 x 1-minute intervals with 10-second rest)

  • 1-minute High-Intensity C2 Bike (sub 1:50 / 2:00 per 1000 pace)
  • 10-second transition
  • 30-second Assault Bike Active Recovery (between 30 – 50 rpm)
  • 30-second Full Recover
  • 10-second transition

3 Rounds (clock set at 6 x 30-second intervals with 8-second rest)

  • 30 seconds of Walls Balls (20/14)
  • 8 second transition
  • 30 seconds of bicycle crunches
  • 8 second transition

10-minute Warm-up

4 Rounds (3-minute AMRAP: 1-minute Rest)

  • 200m Run
  • 15 jump ropes, plates jumps, or jumping jacks
  • 10 Mountain Climbers (Each Leg)

3 Rounds (5-minute AMRAP: 1-minute Rest)

  • 10 push-ups
  • 15 Sit-ups
  • 20 lunges (10 each leg)
  • 25 Air Squats

Core Alt Tabata

  • Russian Twists
  • Leg Raises

10 min Warm Up

As a Group

  • 100 Med-Ball Over Shoulder (100/80)

5 Rounds for Time

  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 1 Med-Ball Bear Hug Down and Overhead Back (80/50)
  • 10 Sit-Ups

Finisher (if time permits)

  • 3 x 5 Ballistic Crunches – (use hip thrust platform to throw med-ball)

5 min Warm-Up

10 min Alt EMOM

  • odd minutes: 10 burpees
  • even minutes: 8 burpees


  • 2 x 5
  • 1 x 5
  • 1 x 3
  • 1 x 2
  • 1 x 5 (Workset)

AB Finisher ALT EMOM for a minimum of 10 minutes

  • 5 Toes-To-Bar
  • 10 Sit-Ups

15-minute Row (zone 2)

24-minute EMOM

  • 10 x Toes-to-bar
  • 1-Legged RDLs with KB/DB (5 each leg)
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 10 Dynamic Ball Slams (30lb)
  • 10 Good Mornings with Barbell
  • 10 Cal Assault Bike