

3 round Warm-up

  • 10 Air Squats
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 10 Sit-Ups

3 Round of Strength

  • 15 Kettlebell Swings. (Pick your weight)
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 9 Goblet Squats

3 Rounds Cardio Intervals

  • 3 minutes on Assault Bike (36/30 cal goal)
  • 1 Minute rest between

Core Tabata (4 rounds 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) Alternate

  • sit-ups
  • leg raises

10 min warm-up

3 Rounds for Time

  • Run 400m
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
  • 6 KB Shoulder-to-overhead Left Arm
  • 6 KB Shoulder-to-overhead Right Arm

10-Min Warm-Up/Set-up

8 Min Alt EMOM

  • min 1: 25 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • min 2: 12 Lunges

2 minutes of Rest

8 Min Alt EMOM

  • min 1: 5 / 3 little tire flips
  • min 2: 20 Big Tire Step Ups

2 minutes of Rest

8 Min Alt EMOM

  • min 1: 8 KB Clean and Jerks (53s / 35s)
  • min 2: 15 Air Squats

10 min Warm-up/Set-up

3 Rounds for Time

  • 1 mile Assault Bike
  • 60 Air Squats
  • 30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35lb)
  • 20 Ring Rows

Inspired by CrossFit Linchpin workout for 1/3/2024

4 Rounds for Time

  • 25 x Sit-ups
  • 2 x heavy Ball to Shoulder || or Power Clean. (150/80lb ball)
  • 1 Down and Back KB Farmer Carry (Heavy)

Cash-out: 100 Cal AB

Resources and Guides

For 22 minutes (teams)

  • 2000m ski erg
    • 1 overhead ball carry (80/50)
    • 3 KB Deadlifts
    • 1 bear hug carry
    • 5 toes-to-bar or 7 leg lifts

Split Ski as needed

For 25 min

  • 3 mile (4800m) C2 Bike / Spin Bike
  • Max Rounds of:
    • 10 KB Bent Over Rows (35/25)
    • 20 Sit-ups
    • 30 Air Squats

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Pulling Strength
  • Cardio Endurance


10 Rounds

  • 1 Weighted Pull-up
  • 10 Sec L-Sit Hold

Workout -2

10 Rounds For Time

  • 1 Deadlift 365/255
  • 3 KB Sumo-deadlift High Pull 70/50
  • 5 Goblet Squats
  • 10 Cal Assault Bike or Ski

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Improve Handstands
  • Increase Pulling Strength
  • Improve aerobic capacity

Workout -1

11 min EMOM

  • 1 Wall Walk +
  • 2 Sumo Deadlifts (increase weight each round)


4 Rounds For Time

  • 25 Cal AB
  • 21 KB Swings (53/35)
  • 12 Pull-ups

My goal is to push harder than normal on the bike. I can ride comfortably around 60-63rpm, so I want to push it up to 65-70rpm.