Physical Training

Hill Running

Increasing muscle endurance is no easy task. It takes dedication and an ability to suffer through a little pain while exercising in a state of increased lactic acid. EMOMs and AMRAPs are good routines to increase lactate thresholds.

End Alzheimer's walk

Held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide, the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.


Strength Deadlifts 1 x 10 @ 135lb 1 x   5 @ 50% 1 x   3 @ 75% 1 x   3 @ 80% 1 x   2 @ 85% 1 x   2 @ 90% 1 x   1  @ 95% Workout 18min AMRAP 18cal Assault Bike 15 Wall Balls (20lb) 12 Dumbbell Snatches (6 each arm @ 50lb)…


Active Recovery Do some light accessory work, or play a pickup game of basketball or another sport like volleyball.

Snatch Lift

Strength Clean and Jerks 1 x 2 @ 50% 1 x 2 @ 60% 1 x 2 @ 75% 5 x 2 @ 80% Workout 16 Min EMOM 10 Thrusters at 75lb If you cannot hold thrusters for every round alternate with push presses, push-ups, or some other exercise of your choosing.

Medicine Ball

Strength 5 rounds 5 Heavy Floor Presses 10 Count Hollow Body Rock Workout 7 rounds (Partner: 30 seconds on 30 Seconds off) 50 mountain climbers on the ball 12 ball clean and jerks 12 ball overhead lunges 12 sit-ups with the ball Use 50lb ball.


After a few days of rest and a shorter training period, I skipped the cardio and focused on legs with deadlifts, squats, and lunges. 


Recovery Day We took two days off to heal from the last few weeks of pushing it hard.


Recovery Take a rest day.


Workout 7 Rounds 10cal Assault Bike 10cal Air Runner 10 thrusters