
9/7/19 Whiteboard Workout


A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.

9/6/19 Whiteboard Workout

Strength 30 Minutes of Deadlifting work up to a heavy 1 x 5 Metcon 2 Round for Time Partner Workout 1 partner runs with a 30lb med-ball in on direction on a half-mile circuit while the other partner runs in the opposite direction. When the two meet, they exchange the med-ball and continue to run….

9/5/19 Whiteboard Workout


A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.

9/4/19 Whiteboard Workout

Workout -1 Tabata Wallballs (20/14) Workout-2 20min E2MOM 3 x Tempo Back Squats (3-2-1) 8/5 Cal on Ski Erg Build to 80% 1RM on Squats for last 3 rounds Workout-3 For Time 10 Push Press Buy-in (115/75) 3000m row Every 3 minutes 10 push presses until complete 10 Push Press Buy-out

9/3/19 Whiteboard Workout

Workout -1 10 Rounds Complex 3 Deadlifts 2 Front Squats 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead Build to heavy Workout-2 For Time 3 person team2 work at a time except on the rower 120 Cal Row 100 Wallballs (30/20) 80 Toes-to-bar 60 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95) 40 Burpee Box Jumps

CrossFit: constantly varied, never random

CrossFit is a training method that is built on being consistently varied, but it is not random. It is exceptionally designed to improve functionality of all ages.

9/2/19 Whiteboard Workout

Metcon For a 5K Run at Above 5k Pace for 5min Walk for 5min

9/1/19 Whiteboard Workout

Workout -1 For Time Run a 5k Workout-2 4 Rounds For Time 3 Tempo Ring Push-ups (3sec/2sec) 3 Ring Push-ups :30 Ring Plank 2 x 30m Sprints Workout-3 3 Tempo Ring Rows (3sec/2sec) 3 Ring Rows :30 Ring Row Hold 2 x 30m Sprints Workout-4 20ea. 1 Arm Band Lat Pulls 10 Box Step-ups (24″)

8/31/19 Whiteboard Workout


A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.

8/30/19 Whiteboard Workout

Warm-Up Tabata Med-Ball Jumping Clusters (20/14) Metcon Chipper for Time 100 Cal Row 80 Box Step-ups (20″) 60 Wallballs (20/14) 40 1 Arm KB Snatches (53/35) (20 ea. arm) 20 Pull-ups 10 2 Arm KB Z-Presses (53/35)