


A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.



A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.


Warm-up 5-min Increase Heart Rate on AB Conditioning 15 min of Assault Bike Intervals 5 Rounds of 2 min Work and 1 Min Rest Calorie Goals for Each Interval 42 / 34 38 / 30 34 / 27 30 / 24 26 / 21 5 min Rest 15 min of Assault Bike Intervals 3 rounds…


Warm-up Bench Press Warm-Up Strength 5 rounds 8 Reverse Hyper 8 Bench Presses (60%) 5 Rounds 8 Hand Release Push Up 8 Hip Bridges Conditioning For Time 2000m Row


10 min Warm-up 1 x Squat Therapy Sprint Warm-up Clean and Jerk Warm Up Conditioning 15 min E90S 50m sprint 1 Clean and Jerk (85% 1 rm) Strength 8 Rounds min Alt EMOM 3 – 5 x Front Squarts (increase weight) 3 -5 x Strict Press


Alt Tabata Warm-up Hollow Bodies on the bar Handstand Kickup and Hold Strength 20 min ALT EMOM 8 pull-ups 8 toes-to-bar 8 Handstand push-ups 8 Dips Conditioning 12-min AMRAP 5 GHD Sit-ups 7 burpee over the ball 100ft 80lb Bear Hug Ball Carry If you are waiting for GHDs – Hold a High Plank


5 min Warm-up Clean Warm-Up 2 rounds Squat Therapy Strength 8 rounds (16min) 5 trapbar deadlifts (work up to heavy) 5 Box Jump Overs Conditioning For Time (18min cap) – Partner 80 wallballs. (2 sets of 20 each). 70 box step-ups w/ball. (3 sets of 10 and 1 set of 5 each) 60 alt sit-ups…


Conditioning For Time buy-in: 400m run 4 rounds 8 Toes-to-bar 16 KB Swings (53/35) 24 Thrusters (45/35) 150 yard Overhead Carry (45/35) Cash-out: 400m run



A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.


10 min Warm-up Clean Warm-Up Ankle / Calf Stretches Wrist Mobility Front Rack Mobility Behind the head tricep extensions 1 round Squat Therapy Empty Bar Squat Clean and Jerks Work Up to Heavy Clean and Jerk Strength 12 min E3MOM 1 Clean and Jerk (85 – 90% 1RM) 3 Box Jump Overs 5-min Warm-up Warm-up…