Cross Training


  • 30min Spin Class


  • 30min Spin Class


  • 30min Spin Class

Thanksgiving Extra

  • Whiteboard Workout — Workout will be based on the number of participants.

Bored? Here are a few articles for you.


  • 30min Spin Class

Thanksgiving Extra

  • Whiteboard Workout — Workout will be based on the number of participants.

Bored? Here are a few articles for you.


  • 30min Sping Class

5 Rounds (from

  • accumulate 30-second L-sit
  • accumulate 1-minute Handstand Hold
  • 500m Row / Ski Erg

5 Rounds (30min cap)

  • 300m Run or 24/16 cal assault bike
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 20 push-ups

For 22 minutes (teams)

  • 2000m ski erg
    • 1 overhead ball carry (80/50)
    • 3 KB Deadlifts
    • 1 bear hug carry
    • 5 toes-to-bar or 7 leg lifts

Split Ski as needed

For 25 min

  • 3 mile (4800m) C2 Bike / Spin Bike
  • Max Rounds of:
    • 10 KB Bent Over Rows (35/25)
    • 20 Sit-ups
    • 30 Air Squats