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Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers are an excellent full-body exercise. When done with intensity, this bodyweight exercise will increase your heart rate, giving you a cardio and strength building workout in one. The hamstrings, quads, glutes, abdominals, and deltoids are the main muscle groups that are worked during this movement.

Benefits of Mountain Climbers

Movement Standards

  1. Start in the upper push-up position. Ensure your back is straight and not arched or sagging.
  2. While holding this planked position, lift one foot from the ground and bring your knee to your chest while tightening the abs.
  3. Once the knee has reached your chest return it to the starting position while bringing the opposite knee to your chest.
  4. Repeat the alternating positions until you have completed the repetition or time requirement.


Variations of Mountain Climbers

Progressions for Mountain Climbers

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