

  • Shoulder Warm-Up. Y.T.Ws


Bench Press








  • Shoulder Warm-Up. Y.T.Ws


Bench Press



4 rounds

  • 10 Cal Assault Bike
  • 10 x 1 arm Snatch @ 50/35

Rest 1:1 then repeat







  • Shoulder Warm-Up. Y.T.Ws


Bench Press


5 min Warm-up

  • Squat Therapy

Strength (15 min)

5, 5, 3, 2, 3 x 5 (workset)

  • Front Squat
  • Bench Press


  • Basketball


What the hell, Rip! 

In an article written by Men’s Health, the outspoken and legendary strength coach, Mark Rippetoe, rips his former associate’s, CrossFit, method of training for strength. “CrossFit is exercising. It may be hard and make you sore, but it’s just exercising. It doesn’t have the capacity to program a strength increase,” he says.

Let’s just say Rip does not mince words. He says what he means to say. There is no beating around the bush with the man who says, “Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.” 

So, let’s dive into what Mr. Rippetoe is saying. It shouldn’t be difficult since we know Rip is a straight shooter. Unless, of course, we allow our own biases to cloud our perception. I know I did. 

When I first read the headline, I jumped straight into my CrossFit apologist robe and started to defend the “faith” with the vigor of a crusader on his way to Jerusalem! I had to put down my shield and sword and listen to what the old strength coach said.

And here is what he said,

“It doesn’t have the capacity to program a strength increase.” except initially, because as he says, “anything works for six weeks.”

Yes, Rip is preaching gospel! He is correct. 

I know–I know! I know you are wondering how I can take sides with someone dishing on the “faith”! Aren’t I, after all, the one who gave up powerlifting for daily WODs?

Yes, I did, and yes, I believe CrossFit is a very effective training method, but Rip is correct. It is not the most effective method to build raw and pure strength. And, if you are following the daily WODs provided by CrossFit, you’re probably not going to get strong after the initial increases.

And, here is why.

When it comes to increasing your bench, squat, deadlift, or any other feats of strength, only a single method works–progressive overload.

Progressive overload is when you continually add gradual increases of stress (weight) on your muscles to build strength, and Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength is an excellent program to do just that. It takes the added stress to tear down muscles so they can rebuild stronger.

You can get away with adding reps to sets for a short period to build strength; however, you’ll eventually stop getting stronger and start building endurance.

So, if you’re doing Isabel, 30 reps of Snatches at 135lb or 95lbs for time, twice a week, do not expect to increase your deadlift or snatch weight significantly. However, do expect to get better at Isabel.

Strongman, Eddie Hall, world record Isabel

And that is what Rip is saying.

If your goal is to become a powerlifting champion, CrossFit will not get you there quickly or at all. 

However, if being functional in various areas of life is your goal, then CrossFit is for you.

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Pulling Strength
  • Cardio Endurance


10 Rounds

  • 1 Weighted Pull-up
  • 10 Sec L-Sit Hold

Workout -2

10 Rounds For Time

  • 1 Deadlift 365/255
  • 3 KB Sumo-deadlift High Pull 70/50
  • 5 Goblet Squats
  • 10 Cal Assault Bike or Ski

The lunge or split squat is a lower-body exercise that works the hamstrings, quads, glutes, and calves of a single leg. The movement will improve your mobility and stability while strengthening the core muscle groups.

Closing your eyes will give an extra boost to balance development. Ensure you are in a safe environment before adding in this trick. 

Benefits of the Lunge

  • Strengthens the full leg (hamstrings, glutes, quads, calves)
  • Improves knee stability
  • Increases hip and ankle mobility
  • Develops power production in the front leg, which will benefit running or other athletic movements
  • No equipment needed
  • Can be performed anywhere

Movement Standards

  1. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Step forward with one foot to a comfortable distance while landing midfoot.
  3. Lower your hips by bending at the knees while your torso stays upright. Your gaze should be forward.
  4. Stack your knee of the forward leg over your ankle, keeping it perpendicular to the floor.
  5. When both knees reach 90-degrees, return to the standing position by pushing off the ground with the rear foot and lifting with your front leg.
  6. Alternate legs and repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.


  • Overstriding with the front leg or not bending the back knee may strain the hip-flexor.
  • Maintain control when lowering to prevent crashing your knee into the ground.
  • Do not position your foot directly behind the opposite during the step back to prevent instability.
  • Keep your spine neutral and your front foot flat on the ground to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Ensure the area is free of obstacles.

Variations of the Lunge

  • Reverse lunge
  • Weighted
  • Rear Foot Elevated
  • Crossover
  • Walking Lunge
  • Split Lunge

Progressions for the Lunge

  • half lunge or reduce the range of motion to your ability.
  • Split Squat holds. Hold in a reduced range of motion to increase strength and stability.

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Build Strength



Back Squat

  • Squat Warm-up
  • 5, 5, 5+ (65%, 75%, 85% of 1RM x 90%) work sets
  • 5 x 5 at 65% of 1RM x 90%

Bench Press

Workout -2


  • 3 x 8 Bentover Barbell Rows
  • 3 x 10 Leg Curls (Hamstring and Quads)
  • 3 x 15 Dips