Mark Masavage


Let’s just say Rip does not mince words. He says what he means to say. There is no beating around the bush with the man who says, “Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.” So what does he mean when he says, “CrossFit doesn’t have the capacity to program strength increase.”


Are you battling with your weight? I do constantly, so I created this twelve-week weight loss plan to triumph over my scale.


Nutrition must be 80%+ of Weight Management. I’m at a desk in a hotel in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, with my family, catching up on work and preparing for the week ahead. I’m also thinking about this website (, blog, company, or whatever it is after reading Fitbit’s Google Announcement. The founders of Fitbit set…


If you are like me, goals usually mean reaching a specific amount in a set amount of time. In other words, a goal should follow the SMART mnemonic–Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. We love expressing our objectives in this fashion. How many of us start the year by saying we will lose so much…


At the beginning of the year, I wrote down a goal. It was action-based, yet it was not defined enough to accomplish what I really want. So, I rewrote it.


When I was an athlete, training had a purpose. I lifted weights so I could hit harder on the football field, and I ran sprints to steal bases or chase down flyballs. Gains were easy to come by, and exercising wasn’t an end in itself. At forty-six, it is different.  Gains are slow if they…


Life has slowed down! Instead of running around the countryside chasing high-school softball games, messing around in the city on the weekends, or squeezing in a Red’s game on a night my daughter doesn’t have an event, we are staying in town and hanging around the house. It’s something right out of the past, and…


The human species is an amazing and resilient organism. Lock us down for our protection against a novel virus, and we will continue to find ways to survive and thrive. Post Malone did just that last night. In the world of modern communication, he provided everyone with a free hour-long Nirvana tribute broadcasted from his…


Last night was undoubtedly the most significant night for sports since the onset of the pandemic. Sports fans, glued to their screens, satiated their thirst for action momentarily as the NFL commissioner announced each NFL teams’ draft picks. I joined them, and I learned a few things as I simultaneously watched the ESPN broadcast on…


I, like many of you, set my yearly fitness goal at the end of last year and started to work on it immediately after New Year’s Day. I made it simple–work out five times a week. No more chasing max lifts, PR’s, or learning a new movement like double unders this year. I wanted to…